Quality Marketing Solutions

Quality Billing Solutions
Welcome to VerifyBite
Streamline Your Health Care Billings
Say Goodbye to billing chaos with our efficient billing solutions. Save time and money with VerifyBite.
- Our Mission
- Our Vision

What We're Offering
Services Built Specifically For You

Our Claim Submission Service ensures accurate, timely submissions, optimizing revenue cycle management for dental practices.

Receivable (AR)
We specialize in optimizing accounts receivable for healthcare practices, reducing outstanding balances, and improving cash flow to enhance your revenue cycle.
Streamline Your
Health Care Billings
Asked Questions
Unfortunately this is still a human to human process and humans make mistakes. While we obtain a lot of information electronically, we still need to speak to a live agent. We have often found that there are significant discrepancies between the information we receive through software (APIs), insurance portals, and speaking to a live agent. While the Verifybite team does it's best to unify this accurately, the system inherently is far from perfect. It is near impossible to guarantee 100% accuracy and we definitely hope that one day we will get there
Unfortunately such a world doesn't exist. Different insurance carriers provide different quantity and quality of data. We fetch the data through multiple different sources and provide to you in a standardized format. What's more, the data and the information is integrated with the 3 most common practice management softwares - OpenDental, EagleSoft, and Dentrix
Our turnaround time varies. It also depends on how quickly you need it done by. We split any verification requests (tickets) in two categories - 1. Emergency: If it's needed today or next business day 2. Non-emergency: Everything else. Our turn around time for emergency tickets is before and up to the patient's appointment time and for non-emergency tickets, it's latest 24 hours prior to the appointment. NOTE: We recommend that you send us tickets 1-2 weeks in advance as best practice
Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm CST Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed
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